

Our Solutions are a proprietary blend of herbs, spices, and tonic water. They will instantly propel you up the corporate ladder with little to no side-effects.

OK, maybe they don’t work exactly like that, but our solutions will help. Not sure where to start? Take our nifty Quiz to get an idea of where you are or start clicking on the products and resources below.

Free Teleclass
Listen to our free teleclass:
Practical Strategies to Get Back on Track

Book Reviews
We like big books…

Our Solutions are a proprietary blend of herbs, spices, and tonic water.
They will instantly propel you up the corporate ladder with little to no side-effects.

OK, maybe they don’t work exactly like that, but our solutions will help. Not sure where to start? Take our nifty Quiz to get an idea of where you are or start clicking on the products and resources below.

Saying No Without Losing Your Job
How to Set Boundaries and Still Get Ahead
Available as a 2cd set or instant download

saying no without losing your job image

Free Teleclass
Listen to our free teleclass:
Practical Strategies to Get Back on Track

taking control of your career free teleclass image

Increase Your Options & Opportunities
Thrive Regardless of Your Environment
Available as a 2cd set or instant download

increase your options image

Bootcamp in a Box
Get out of your own way quickly with our proprietary validated system. Now on DVD

taking control of your career in a box image

Get Recognized for the Value You Bring
How to Manage and Influence Perceptions
Available as a 2cd set or instant download

get recognized image

Allow Yourself to Win
How to Replace Habits That No Longer Work
Available as a 2cd set or instant download

allow yourself to win image

Taking Control of Your Career® Series
SAVE by purchasing the complete Taking Control of Your Career® Series.

taking control of your career series image

Book Reviews
We like big books…

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