At year end, I have a lot of interaction with the top dogs because we’re closing our books and they’re all worried about their bonuses. Speedy, accurate replies to any queries we get are super important. Naturally, the staff is excited about holiday events—especially our elaborate holiday party—and are easily distracted. How can I keep them focused without being a Grinch? A.F., Atlanta, GA
Productively managing your anxiety will keep you from passing it on to your team, which would make it even harder for them to perform well.
Since you’re early in the process, why not call a team meeting with the goal of figuring out how to get the work done and enjoy the holiday? While you’re responsible for keeping everyone focused, you don’t have to solve every problem yourself. In fact, it’s better that you don’t. You’ll be surprised at how resourceful your team will be, and the meeting itself will help increase accountability.
Proactively managing expectations and keeping everyone focused on their immediate deliverables will help ensure a smooth closing.