
What’s your rationale for failure?

What’s your rationale for failure?

How many times have you heard others (or yourself!) complain about their circumstances? “I’m not at the right level.” “My projects don’t have enough visibility.” “I work virtually so I don’t know everything that’s going on.” What is the benefit of these types of thoughts? You may think there is no benefit. If that’s the case, consider this: It gives you a built-in rationale for failing. Since it’s a disempowering thought, it encourages you to act in disempowering ways and may become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

When you focus your energy on where you are, it defines you as your circumstances and makes it your reality. But it isn’t reflective of who you are. To avoid this trap, define yourself by where you are going. Instead of “My projects don’t have enough visibility,” try “I’m on my way to being a project lead.” When you frame your thinking so that it aligns with your goals, your behavior will follow suit. The first thought encourages you to place blame, shift responsibility, and wait for something to happen. The second thought propels you forward and will likely result in your actions reflecting those of a project lead—which will probably make it happen sooner than later.

Define yourself as your future and let it be your fuel.

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