Business & Economics

Review: ... they buy WHY you do it." Sinek makes a convincing case using companies like Apple, Microsoft, Dell, and HP to demonstrate his hypothesis however his ideas are equally relevant when applied to individuals. Once you figure out your “why” life’s decisions and actions become infinitely easier.
In this inspirational book you’ll learn that figuring out why your company’s existence is meaningful to your customers is the most important task of any leader. Knowing your why sets the foundation for a long-term business strategy that can easily adapt to market conditions. While others may produce the same end product, if you know your why and have communicated it effectively your customers will respond to those intangible values and beliefs and remain loyal. The book provides many examples of the “what” and the “why” using popular companies as examples. There’s not much on the “how” but reasonable people can figure that out for yourself. In a refreshingly change from other business books, he observes that there are no short cuts to long-term success.