Our Corporate Life
January 31, 2017   •   Volume 8, Issue 2   •   ISSN: 2154-3240    
In This Issue
♦   Feature Article: Choose Your Lens
Ask Amanda: How can I help an overwhelmed staffer?
♦   Practical Tips: Promote Psychological Safety
Choose Your Lens

“Two young fish are swimming along and meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says ‘Morning, boys. How's the water?’ The two young fish swim on for a while and eventually one of them looks over at the other and says ‘What the hell is water?’” So said author David Foster Wallace in the opening of his commencement speech at Kenyon College. It’s the perfect illustration of how easy it is to forget that the exact same experience can mean totally different things to different people.
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Thought to Ponder

No rain, no rainbow.

Practical Tips: Promote Psychological Safety

One of the major evolutions in the workplace is the shift from executing for immediate results to executing in order to build value over the long term (innovation). This is reflected in the expectations companies have for their management.

Leaders used to be expected to have the answers; now they are expected to set direction (strategy).
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  ask Amanda

I have a direct report who has high standards, is really great but depressed and easily overwhelmed…what can I do to help her focus? N.D., Alpine, NJ

Amanda Mitchell

Feeling overwhelmed is often caused by mentally “spinning your wheels” e.g., speculating about issues/situations that are difficult, if not impossible, to resolve or to answer. This futile, out-of-control thinking gets us nowhere.
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Our Corporate Life LLC (OCL) created a custom solution to quickly reduce the disruptive drama and corporate insanity that gets in the way of implementing business solutions. OCL is founded on the belief that acting humanely and achieving business success are always compatible. Working with both companies and individuals, OCL solves the problems no one wants to deal with: enabling corporate employees at every level to optimize profits while thriving in the workplace.


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  Copyright © MMXVII Amanda Mitchell and Our Corporate Life LLC All Rights Reserved