Our Corporate Life
July 5, 2016   •   Volume 7, Issue 14   •   ISSN: 2154-3240    
In This Issue
♦   Feature Article: The Benefits of Banter
Ask Amanda: I fear my direct report’s friendliness is making her an ineffective manager, help!
♦   Practical Tips: Avoiding Tech Threats
The Benefits of Banter

When you enter the work world, there are a lot of competing priorities and making new friends and expanding your network usually doesn’t even make the list. That’s because when you were growing up, you generally didn’t need to put any effort into it because you met so many people via school and social activities. When you enter the “real world,” however, your life becomes dramatically smaller and you have to make an effort to bring new people and ideas into your orbit. It’s not hard, it just needs to become a habit.

How many opportunities have come your way due to relationships you’ve had with people (or friends of theirs)? Plenty, I’d bet. So how do you develop new relationships?
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Thought to Ponder

All generalities are false, including this one.

Practical Tips: Avoiding Common Tech Threats

Losing your company devices—or worse, your data—can be a major inconvenience, not to mention a major source of stress. When you travel, take special care to avoid the following common mistakes.

Hotspot Sniffers When you use free wifi in hotels, airports, and conference centers, you’re essentially broadcasting your data over a totally exposed connection. Hackers can intercept usernames, passwords, emails, and files using easily available sniffing software.
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  ask Amanda

I have a manager who is friends with her team. I'm trying not to micromanage but I'm afraid that she's not having the performance conversations she needs to have. What should I do? S.L., Summit, NJ

Amanda Mitchell

It is possible to manage friends, although it does have its own set of challenges. Without knowing why you believe she’s not having these conversations, it’s hard to be specific in my answer. However, if you think she feels uncomfortable because she’s not sure what to say, offer to role-play with her so you can be confident in her ability to say what is necessary to her direct reports.
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Our Corporate Life LLC (OCL) created a custom solution to quickly reduce the disruptive drama and corporate insanity that gets in the way of implementing business solutions. OCL is founded on the belief that acting humanely and achieving business success are always compatible. Working with both companies and individuals, OCL solves the problems no one wants to deal with: enabling corporate employees at every level to optimize profits while thriving in the workplace.


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