Our Corporate Life
February 28, 2017   •   Volume 8, Issue 4   •   ISSN: 2154-3240    
In This Issue
♦   Feature Article: Stating Your Value
Ask Amanda: I want to work in a place that shares my values. Help!
♦   Practical Tips: Daily Rituals of Successful People
Stating Your Value

Many people, especially women, are uncomfortable talking about their accomplishments. There’s a belief that it is not “team” behavior. Although recognizing team wins is important, focusing only on team accomplishments does a disservice to yourself and the company.

Making others aware of your value has many benefits. The company understands how to best use your talents, which means that the work that best suits you is directed your way.
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Thought to Ponder

Take imperfect action in the right direction.

Practical Tips: Daily Rituals of Successful People

While everyone has their own definition of professional success, the one thing all successful people share is a drive to be better than the day before. How can you stay focused and moving in the right direction when life is so hectic?
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  ask Amanda

In my office it seems that the men are promoted on their potential while the women are promoted on actual experience. This was true in my last (which was also my first) job too. The people who do all the work aren’t treated fairly. I want to work in a good place and am thinking of leaving. Any suggestions? K.N., New York, NY

Amanda Mitchell

Be careful when drawing conclusions, especially if you plan to take action based on them. In this case, it’s unlikely you have all the pertinent facts. This is not to say you should ignore systemic discrimination, but even if your supposition is true, how is simply changing jobs going to help you?
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Recommended Resources

Learn how to self-promote without bragging with Get Recognized for the Value You Bring - available as a 2 CD set or instant download.

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Our Corporate Life LLC (OCL) created a custom solution to quickly reduce the disruptive drama and corporate insanity that gets in the way of implementing business solutions. OCL is founded on the belief that acting humanely and achieving business success are always compatible. Working with both companies and individuals, OCL solves the problems no one wants to deal with: enabling corporate employees at every level to optimize profits while thriving in the workplace.


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