Our Corporate Life
June 21, 2016   •   Volume 7, Issue 13   •   ISSN: 2154-3240    
In This Issue
♦   Feature Article: Sketchy People at Work
Ask Amanda: This election cycle has created toxicity at work, help!
♦   Practical Tips: “Housekeeping” Rules
Sketchy People at Work

One of the benefits of work is that you get to meet all kinds of people that you may otherwise never get to meet. With temp and contract workers rotating through workplaces, the sheer volume of people most of us encounter at work is increasing. But you’ll run into a few bad eggs eventually. So what can you do to protect yourself?

First, according to Joe Navarro, author of Dangerous Personalities: An FBI Profiler Shows You How to Identify and Protect Yourself From Harmful People, familiarize yourself with the four personality types whose behavior can be irritating or can unfortunately escalate to something much worse.
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Thought to Ponder

The price of discipline is always less than the pain of regret.

Practical Tips: "Housekeeping" Rules

You know what I mean, it’s the part of the meeting where the facilitator says, “This is a brainstorming so remember, no idea is a bad idea, don’t shut your teammates down, keep this information confidential, etc.” Basically it’s a formal way of setting and managing expectations.

Recently I was in a meeting where the facilitator also included these stipulations...
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  ask Amanda

I am having trouble wrangling my team. I have a bunch of obnoxious Trump supporters who have an unerring ability to work their politics into everything. The only ones worse are the Bernie Bots who are so against the system I expect them to come to work with pitchforks. This election cycle has created toxicity at work. What should I do? P.L., Brooklyn, NY

Amanda Mitchell

Odd that you have no bad behavior from Clinton supporters…perhaps she is your candidate? I only bring this thought up to bring your awareness to bear on the fact that we all have our own lenses.
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Our Corporate Life LLC (OCL) created a custom solution to quickly reduce the disruptive drama and corporate insanity that gets in the way of implementing business solutions. OCL is founded on the belief that acting humanely and achieving business success are always compatible. Working with both companies and individuals, OCL solves the problems no one wants to deal with: enabling corporate employees at every level to optimize profits while thriving in the workplace.


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