Our Corporate Life
April 29, 2014   •   Volume 5, Issue 9   •   ISSN: 2154-3240    
In This Issue
♦   Feature Article: Emotions at Work
Ask Amanda: My assistant thinks she’s the CEO.
♦   Practical Tips: Your Biography
Emotions at Work

Most of us are taught to ignore our emotions in business situations. However, businesses are beginning to understand the value of emotional investment in one’s job. Being emotionally invested helps improve relationships, increases trust, and promotes healthy agreement.

According to Daniel Shapiro, coauthor of Beyond Reason: Using Emotion as You Negotiate, emotions at work stem from five predictable core concerns: appreciation (being recognized for your value); affiliation (emotional connection to others); autonomy (freedom to feel, think, decide); status (standing compared to others); and role (job label and related activities).
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Thought to Ponder

Days are long; years are short.

Practical Tips:
Your Biography

Creating a one-page biography is something many executives overlook, but it is an important tool to have at your disposal. Although it can be used in a job hunt, that isn’t its primary purpose. It’s one of those documents that looks simple but takes some effort.

Write your biography to highlight your unique point of difference and support it with relevant experiences. This isn’t a rehash of your resume—it’s a document that positions you the way you want to be perceived.
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 ask Amanda

I hired an assistant who clearly has higher aspirations—which is great. The problem is she seems to be spending more time doing jobs she doesn’t have than doing the one I hired her for. She’s talented and I don’t want to lose her but I need an assistant! – D.T., Dallas, TX

Amanda Mitchell

It’s much easier to find someone for an entry-level job than it is for a position higher up the ladder, so don’t let your fear of finding a replacement guide your actions.
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About: Our Corporate Life LLC (OCL) is a company that offers a new system for reducing unnecessary workplace suffering caused by the organizational, interpersonal, and ethical issues of our time. It is founded on the belief that acting humanely and achieving business success are always compatible. Working with both companies and individuals, OCL helps create solutions that enable corporate employees at every level to optimize profits while thriving in the workplace.

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